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Sunday, September 19, 2010

When the Lord calls....He qualifies


Well I thought i would start off with that sweet scripture because
this week was A MIRACLE WEEK :):) Rony got baptized on Sunday!!!!!!!
:))) So we found him about 6 weeks ago and taught him everything, and he
bailed out of his b date. He didn't call us for about 3 weeks-so
weird!!! BUT he continued coming to church...yes very strange. So we met
with him after not seeing him for a couple weeks and finally did last Wednesday night. Me and Hna Gomez extended baptism date for Sunday and he had
concerns...we resolved them and he got baptized!! it was the coolest
thing ever and soooo precious because he was my first find :):) What a
miracle, I have truly witnessed through prayer and fasting the miracles
the Lord will provide!!! Fernanda is AMAZING!!! i did get transferred,
so hopefully I will go back to her baptism, but her crazy husband agreed
to come to the Visitors center with us. He was not open at all, but
poor Fernanda just wants to have her husband and her be baptized
together. This is just something that she has to do, and something that
will take time for her husband. It was sad saying bye to my
investigators. :( i started crying LOL. But what happens is we get call
outs Monday telling everyone in our zone where we are going. I am
serving now in Glenmont. My comp is Hermana Anderson. SHE IS LEGIT!!!
Ive been blessed with the most amazzzzzzing comp's ever! SO fun and cute,
all of them :) I really cannot complain! She is from Idaho-so we are the
only Spanish companionship of sisters here that are both American LOL.
Everyone was like "uh oh you two are together?!" lol. I guess they
think were both a little hyper?? hmmmm. But she is a lot like me. she came out 4
transfers ago, and i met her in the MTC lol. We are both babies still.
she has known Spanish her whole life and taught in Guatemala for 1 ano.
:) pdays are Thursday. I started my FIRST DAY at the Visitors Center
yesterday! It is so different. Most likely I will be working there 4
days a week either AM or PM shift. we gave a couple tours so it was
nice. Still getting used to it all. Im sure many miracles are to come
there too :) its getting a little cooler here-wish i was still on bike
lol. Its weird to have a car. Our area is HUGE. we have a pretty good
size teaching pool as far as i know. Im used to full-pros and always
filling the day, so it will be a big change now. Spanish
is......great!!! i feel soooo blessed that i can speak now without
problems. it totally came out of the blue within a couple weeks ago.
:))))its sweet! i have a quote i really want to share. It is about
service from President Monson. It is so great. "The Savior taught His disciples,"for whosoever shall save his life shall lose it, but whosoever
will loose his life for My sake, the same shall save it." I believe the
Savior is telling us that unless we loose ourselves in service to others,
there is little purpose to our own lives. Those who live only for
themselves, eventually shrivel up and figuratively loose their lives,
while those who loose themselves in the service to others grow and
flourish and in effect SAVE their lives" I LOVE THAT. Do we get so
caught up sometimes in our lives that we forget about others? I know
that as we continue to step back and evaluate our works, if we see we aren't as happy as we could be or there are problems upon problems,
something is wrong with us and we must change that! I know through the
Savior we can change and become more like Him as we incorporate His
attributes into our lives and strive and live to be like him. i have a
testimony of this incredible work. I know it is true. Share it with
everyone!! That is our purpose in this life is to progress and I know we
can progress and feel of that gozo when we truly live the gospel and
tell everyone about it. I know for me personally, I am the happiest ever
when i am sharing the gospel!!!! :) continue serving others, find every
way :) The Lord will bless us, I know that!!!

love you all so much-

Hermana Tavernier

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